Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm not so good at this....

I am not a good blogger (blush)....It just seems I have som many things to do online...and by the time I get here, DH is whining for me to get off the computer so he can use it.

Speaking of dh, he has started his college two words to explain how things are going..."it sucks" he is not handling this newfound studenthood well...I have been going to college for two years part time. This term we are both going full time...opposite he is at school I have kids...I am at school he has kids...then I am still WFH (working from home). andI do most the cleaning (which isn't much lately due to NO TIME)...and all he worries or stresses about is's "soo" hard on him....blah blah blah...I'm getting so tired of it...seriously, I hate to complain, but what about me?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

blog neglect!

This is probably a crime....How long has itbeen since my last post?? Please forgive me.

So, lots going on around here. Lets see. I've been on the cleaning bandwagon. Hubbie leaves on tuesday with K and L so I wanted the whole house spotless. With the three of them gone, keeping the house clean will be soo easy! I didn't want to spend my VACATION cleaning the stupid house. I've been doing laundry, cleaning out bedrooms, deep cleaning bathrooms, and more....hubbie has been trying to help too. He cleaned the carpets yesterday! Notice I call it a vacation! It IS a vacation. God knows how I love them all, but man, without my toddler here will be like having 90% of my day become available. Think of all the things I'm gonna get done!! Plus with only general "maintenance" to do on the house...geesh...what am I gonna do????

I will tell you what I'm gonna do. FIRST, I'm gonna study... a lot. I want 100%'s on all my tests! I want to perfect my EMT-b skill list too! AND I'm gonna sew like crazy! I am going to finish every order/trade I've got, and if I run out of orders, I am going to make more things that I know will sell. I will start bumping my WAHM thread on DS when I get near the end of my list! humm...most of my stuff is trades at the moment! Xmas is coming! I need those presents! haha.

I've also been busy with other little things here and there. I am volunteering in J's class on Thursdays for an hour or so. I've been getting ready for Halloween and stuff.....thankfully it's OVER!

Yesterday I got a package from Jacklen....Yup my weekly package arrived! OMG, it is TDF! holy cow, I LOVE my soaps! I got a wasabi carrot body soap (Kaylee stole), I got a sugar cookie soap (reannah stole), some anti itch soap, after sun soap(in a horse head shape), margarita w/cuervo soap, a margarita salty bar, sweet dreams body butter, chocolate orange exfoliate, and a pearberry candle tart....I was in HEAVEN!

Ok, signing off for now...I will try to be a good little blogger, and post more often!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lots goin on 'round here!

First I wanna shout this from the rooftops, I GOT A 49/50 on my EXAM!! The one from last week for my EMT-B program! It was on human anatomy and patient assessment. YAY!! I am SO SO SO SO pleased with myself....I've gotta gloat!

On a similar note, I had to miss class on Friday. Of course it was Lab, so FUN stuff...I was going to learn airway management skills...such as placement of artificial airways (tubes down the throat or nose)...Finally some "real" stuff haha. Anyway, I missed it because Lorraine had blood in her ear canal. I took her to her pedi and it was just a scratch on the canal thankfully, and not a ruptured eardrum like I was worrying lol. She mustve stuck something in her ear.

and onto another "patient" related discussion, my son went out with his dad this morning fine as a fiddle, cam back okay and quickly started feeling ill. then his temp went up...I knew it was high, I could feel his skin was HOT and top it off I was hot because I had just got out of a HOT bubble bath, so I knew my hand was already warm and to feel him and feel heat still.....I took his temp and it was 102.8...that was about 10 min after I gave him Motrin, so it may have been higher. It quickly went down to 100.7 and he is watching TV drinking Gatorade now.

oh and yesterday I did SOOO much! I folded all our back logged clean laundry. Then I cleaned out reannah/lorraines bedroom and put away alllll the kids laundry. I also, started and FINISHED three diapers! I know crazy huh?!?! Hubbie was nice and took Lorraine for the day, so THAT is the reason I was able to accomplish so was AMAZING. Today, I have cleaned both bathrooms THOROUGHLY, studied for school, and made Lorraine a new soaker from the MY very OWN pattern I have been working up. Jennel's own pattern! It needs a very slight tweak, which I've already done...I just need to make her ANOTHER soaker to test it out haha.
For now....I have another 2 loads of laundry to fold! YUK!!
I need to join Jacklen's fly room needs a very late spring clean.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

yesterdays story!

Aww...Look at my Raining Baby Fluff Baby! Awww, look at her Raining Baby Fluff outfit! Jacklen made the shirt (handpainted), made the leggies AND made the hair clippie. I made to soaker. AWESOME work jacklen! Have I ever said I LOVE YOUR STUFF???!?!?!?! Like everyday I do!

here are some more of my faves:

Yeah I know the layout is all wacked, but I just don't feel like fixin it! There are a ton more pics, but those are my fave....Oh, ans here is one in the halloween outfit Jacklen sent....again I made the soaker!

Now, after I put her in the RBF outfit...took pics (thankfully) then started uploading...well while I was uploading, She decided to knock a glass off the counter...I ran to her and of course she tried to pick up a piece...Shegot a bitty cut on her finger....and of course got a little blood an the darn RBF WHITE outfit!! Only a teeny bit, so I had to rinse it...I think it will come out! Yikes, she keeps me crazy busy!

Hubbie is back....and already driving me batty....seriously....he is a pita...seriously....So here is "me." I am a student 3/4 time (so "almost" full time), I am a wahm...which i spend approx 4-6 OR MORE hours on a DAY....I have no time to study, I don't get to watch tv unless i stay awake until 2am watching things I have saved (from 6weeks ago) on my DVR, and hubbie...well here is "him." unemployed, and dad...thats it...soooo, IMO, there is a somewhat reversal of roles here....I absolutely cannot find time to do regular housework....picking up, swiching laundry, yes, I do do this...but I believe, a majority should be his responsibility for now...until another change in our "roles" comes to play...We have had discussions on this where I nicely try to explain, i wont have time for this or this, do you mind "picking up my slack?" I never point him out as the "unemployed" slack ass (which he is lately)...I always try to be constructive, and kind...(wellllll most the time). Today he told me maybe I could find time to "fold all this laundry." So I finally broke down and said NO...I wont do it. YOU can do it...and I tried once again to lay out my schedule for him...pissed him off for a little bit, but he is over it (i think). He has this wacked thought that a woman should be doing things such as folding laundry, and cleaning toilets...and he can get by with taking out the trash, a super quick vaccume job, and maybe a load of dishes...Yeah, its more then SOME hubbie do, but just aint gonna work round here....can you imagine the kind of laundry we have around here with 4 kids and one in cloth diapers...yeah, mountians...I am still going to be a "mommy", but daddy can be a "mr. Mom" for a while.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


yeah, I am PMS'n.....could you tell by my post a few days ago? Haha, So, I am feeling better. Better mood! NOW, I want Chocolate and salty things...Got some Jalapeno chips today and spoiled myself with a couple handfuls! Now for the chocolate...I need chocolate!

I invited my WONDERFUL friend Jacklen from Lil' Outlaws to be a guest vendor on my Hyena cart store...A couple days before we "opened" I posted on DS that I had a suprise vendor. A couple of my closer friends guessed of course because they know I'm tight with Jacklen, but it was SO exciting and plain FUN! Near opening another friend Terri, from The Mad Hatter posted saying she knew a secret. At opening before we knew it there were over 65 guests in RBF!! I was nearly falling off of my chair! We are #1 on "where are the hyenas." For now there is a small steady flow of guests..usually around 4-8people...which is nice! I really enjoy having LO as a guest vendor as I am REALLY in love with her product and they do accent my items well =)

Anyway, I'm off to dress lorraine in the shirt/leggies/clippie she made....time for a photoshoot!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I think I can do better than this

Or something needs to change. I HATE to bitch, or complain as I am happy with where things are at in life right now. Since I've started being a wahm my role around the house has changed a bit. It's still taking some time to get used to, I've had to well, spend a good deal of my time sewing. So that means my home is taking a beating...hubbie is unemployed, this s houldn't be a problem is a problem, he seriously believes he has accomplished a great deed to human kind when he loads the dishwasher and gives the living room a quick vaccume. Yeah, so I know thats more than alot of hubbies do and really I'm not here to complain about his lack of homaking abilities. What has gotten my panties in a bunch is my kids. and more so, myself. I can be a better mom than this. I've let them get away with too much and they have totally taken advantage of our new status (mommy working at home, etc). They are complete and utter slobs, and whos fault is it? Well, mine obviously. I've screwd up somewhere and have not taught them in the right way that it's improtant to take care of our home. I'm not even saying I have a problem with a little mess here or there, but what this going on in my home, is complete and utter chaos. Every single item they touch is left wherever they let go of it. That is not acceptable anymore....I used to be able to be behind their ass, picking shit up for them or remind them they need to pick it up. I absolutely do not have the time for that anymore. I am taking 3/4 time classes at the college for the EMT program and thats a fulltime job right there. And I spend time each and everyday on wahm items. Sometimes 8 hrs, sometimes 4....sometimes more then 8...I don't mind, I love it all. I just need to find some stratigies to be a better mom and show my kids how to take care of things....and I need them to start working harder to "earn" things....they are rotten hahaha. want it handed to them on a silver platter (as if we had one), and not have to work for things...welp....time for a new wayof running my home! yup yup!

I guess it doesn't help that hubbie is gone huntin' lol...And MIL was no help like she was suppost to be...anyway...enough bitchin and whinin...lets go get it done!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Anatomical answers

I Made these "board" type shorts for one of my FAVE WAHM, and then I cut and appliqued the ribbon onto this shirt night before last. This is for her Photoshoot for Breast Cancer Awareness! She is sending me some A-W-E-S-O-M-E soaps, I LOVE LOVE LOVE her smelly good stuff....I'd say we trade our goods about once a week, seriously no joke! Jacklen needs a diaper...humm well I need pail pardner, Jacklen needs some shorts, humm I need soap...OHOHOH, and she made me this AMAZING set for lorraine, with my RBF logo. hand painted shirt, with matching leggies and a hair clip...I am needing to make Lorraine a matching diaper and do my own little photo shoot...

So, I was trying to think of a way of explaining to a mom, how she would measure her child for some pants...My brain imediatly came up with "begin at groin region and come straight down, ending at the medial malleolus." In english that means measure from the crotch to the inside ankle bone. Think she would of understood that? No, probably not unless she has taken an anatomy course. So why am I constantly combining medical and sewing? Well...Maybe because that must be who I am hehe...

I finished alot yesterday, and have a ton more to finish today, only I have to go to class at 1:30-6:30....It's lab day...we are doing cool stuff today. Our instructor said we better have our CPR and vital sign taking skills to be PERFECTED by the time we get to class today. Got er dun...We will be moving onto patient handling skills I think...SO, I have to move actual people, hopefully its not the stinky guy in my class lol..OKOK, yes I know I will be moving stinky people in the future! I can't wait to get to wound care, and cooooler stuff.

So, I miss hubbie, it's kinda lonely...but on the other hand, things are a bit more quiet here..

Here are more cutsoms I did: